As Teilhard de Chardin has said, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Spiritual Intelligence acknowledges that we don’t have to “go” anywhere to find the spirit. We know that every level of reality is available “here” — in our present conditions and in the present moment. Yet, we also know that we, personally, in our relationships, our organizations, and our world, are working with only a pitifully small portion of our full capacities — our Divine inheritance.
We are each on a spiritual journey. This is why we are on this planet. Scott Peck once said that, “the earth is spiritual boot camp.”
If we did not need to grow and develop spiritually, we would probably not be here. Somewhere along the way this notion gets lost. The pursuit of safety and economic success, while necessary to support the journey, often become ends unto themselves. The reality that we are spiritual beings on an evolutionary journey has been effectively and completely excluded from the world of work, to the detriment of the individual, the workplace, and the world.
We live in a time of great transition. On every front, we are bumping into the limits of our current worldview. This is not bad. Limits, seemingly unsolvable dilemmas, and crisis force us to acknowledge that we are at the edge of our worldview. We are challenged to seek out a new, higher perspective from which to bring order out of the chaos.
As Albert Einstein said, “the splitting of the atom changed everything except the way we think,” and “we cannot solve our current problems using the same level of awareness that created them.” We need to engage a new form of intelligence if we are to understand the relationship between transforming ourselves and transforming our world. Spiritual Intelligence is fast becoming a leadership imperative.
We each have a contribution that is solely ours to make. Our task in life is to move toward an ever more complete expression of that purpose. Leadership is fundamentally about realizing our higher purpose and taking actions that make that purpose real in the conditions of our life.
Within us is a template or a blueprint for our true nature, a nature we have been crafting since before we were born. We have a soul, one that remembers who we are, what we are here to learn, what wounds we need to heal, how we want to fully deploy our uniqueness.
The soul knows the contribution we most want to make through our lives. We do not invent this knowing. Through Spiritual Intelligence, we detect it and we let it find us. When we allow it to have its way in our lives, we become fully alive. We become ourselves. We become capable of the kind of leadership that is transforming.